By on Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Category: Linda's Blogs

An update on the Reverse Advent Calendar

Well school is finished for this term but it was with great pleasure that I was able to take a packed car full of food and treats to the Salvation Army on the last day of term. Students had taken up the challenge and produced some quite amazing Reverse Advent Calendars. One involved a chimney and Santa's feet protruding and inside two layers with 48 gifts, including choclate, soft drinks and basic foods. Others were just boxes filled with food and chocolate, or in the case of my tutor group chocolate, chocolate and chocolate! What really touched me where two boys who won selection boxes for something they had done this term, they were presented with them in an achievement assembly and both gave them to me to take with the Advent Calendars.

Sometimes we judge our young people by what we see on the streets or hear on the news, but let's rejoice that there are so many young people who are prepared to give as well as take so that others can benefit at this special time of year. When we are so taken up with getting ready for Christmas and wrapping presents, decorating the tree and buying or making food remember that some people are not as fortunate as we are. That a simple act of kindness can cause ripples which can have a massive impact.

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