Spring has Sprung!
Finally, spring has arrived! After the wet, cold, windy months of winter, the days are lengthening, and we find ourselves surrounded by the unfurling of leaves, colourful flowers and joyous bird song. All around us, we can witness the new life of spring and the promise of warmer times ahead.
Spring is Springing
The strange thing about writing an article for a magazine is that it has to be written weeks before the magazine is published. This means that by the time it appears, any forecast made could be completely wrong. So although more settled weather is predicted, by the time you read this it could be very different.
Lighten our Darkness
At this time of year darkness seems to encroach on us all as the days shorten and dark clouds fill the skies. From my office which affords me the most wonderful view of Woolacombe beach, the lead grey of the sea means the horizon is indistinguishable from the sky. Somehow even the news seems darker with the suffering of not only the Ukrainian people, but awful accounts daily reported from Israel and Palestine.