
Overlayed image of St Sabinus - Woolacombe Overlayed image of St. Mary's - Mortehoe Overlayed image of St. Matthew's - Lee
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2 minutes reading time (472 words)

This Joyous Easter Tide

Finally, spring has arrived! After the wet, cold, windy months of winter, the days are lengthening, and we find ourselves surrounded by the unfurling of leaves, colourful flowers and joyous bird song. All around us, we can witness the new life of spring and the promise of warmer times ahead.

During April, we are continuing to celebrate Easter, which is the greatest festival in the church calendar. Following the remembrance of Jesus Christ’s journey to the cross during Holy Week, with the sombre observations of Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, we awake on Easter Sunday morning to the joy of the news that death has been conquered in the resurrection and Jesus lives!

Resurrection is a mysterious subject. As far as we know, there were no witnesses to the final miracle of Jesus on earth. All that remained of the suffering and death were folded grave clothes and a stone which had been rolled back to reveal – well – Jesus wasn’t there!

In the account from John’s Gospel, Mary Magdalene visited the tomb to make the startling discovery that it was empty. Frantically, she tore off to Peter and the ‘other disciple’ to tell them. They too, deeply troubled by this news raced to the tomb to witness the disturbing sight and for the ‘other disciple,’ the penny began to drop. They returned home puzzled and perplexed.

Mary though was left at the tomb distraught – that is however, until, blinking through the tears, she saw two angels in white inside its cold interior asking her why she was crying. As she answered the supernatural beings, she turned and saw someone else, but didn’t recognise who it was; someone who also asked her, ‘Woman, why are you crying? Who are you looking for?’

Thinking he was the gardener, she pleaded with him to tell her where he might have taken the body. That is of course until he looked lovingly at her and gently said one word - ‘Mary’ – a word which I can only imagine summed up the years of knowledge of who she was; of her suffering: transformation; and divine love. A word that called her into new life.

This spring as we delight in the cycle of new life, and resurrection which God sets before us to remind us of his purpose in the world, may you also experience the wonder of what God has done in his Son. I pray that you too hear that gentle voice calling you personally, by name to belief and assurance that ‘nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is revealed in Christ Jesus.,’ Rom 8:39.

So we, in our three small communities join with Christians all over the world, as we proclaim; He is risen! He is risen indeed, Alleluia!

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